We have never seen a year like 2020. The resilience of our community and audiences has been tested in ways that most of us have never experienced in our lifetimes. We are so appreciative that you have stayed connected to us.

With your continued support, the Apollo Theater will continue to be a home for artists, a home for you, and for generations to come. This #GivingTuesday, please consider making a donation. Our goal is to raise at least $10,000 towards Apollo's year-round education, community, and performing arts programs.

Since the Theater closed in March, the Apollo has presented more than 30 digital events reaching more than 335,000 households. Your support will help the Theater continue to present programming on the Apollo Digital Stage, offer virtual education programs, and provide a forum for community conversation.

The importance of the Apollo as the largest theater devoted to the African American experience is critical. We need your help to continue this level of activity into 2021.

Every gift counts, even $10 makes a difference!

Be a part of our future. Support the Apollo Today!

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