Not A Crime is thrilled to announce that the renowned Afro-Iranian musical group the Shanbehzadeh Ensemble will make a series of rare U.S. appearances this September to mark the culmination of the Not A Crime 2016 education equality campaign. Sharing its unique, energetic and uplifting infusion of Iranian folk music and dance, the group will perform in New York City at the Apollo Theater! Formed in 1990 by legendary Afro-Iranian musician Saeid Shanbehzadeh in his native Bushehr, Iran, the group delivers a spellbinding experience of the traditional music and dance indigenous to southwestern Iran and the bordering Persian Gulf. The principal instruments of the ensemble are the neyanbān (bagpipe), neydjofti (flute), dammām (drum), zarbetempo (percussion), traditional flute, senj (cymbal) and boogh (a goat’s horn). The Ensemble, based in Paris, both “enthralled with its minimalism” and “refreshingly, was a little bit punk” in a previous U.S. appearance, according to the New York Times.